About The SSC
The South Shore Council of Rotary Clubs of MA (SSC) is comprised of 22 clubs and operates independently of District 7950 leadership. It is intended to be a resource and tool to facilitate, coordinate and communicate current events/ news/ requests attained from delegates, district leadership, or from our speakers.
Our Purpose
The SSC’s specific purpose is to serve Clubs as a regional platform for:
1. Networking among neighboring Clubs within their geographic area
2. Collaborate on joint projects and other areas
3. Forum for discussion and sharing of ideas
4. Dissemination of Rotary information and education
5. Inter-Club fellowship activities
6. Invite Speakers that will be of interest to member Clubs.
In order to achieve this, the SSC will meet monthly on the third Wednesday evening and will provide an agenda promoting the objectives above.
SSC As A Resource
In order to fully utilize SSC as a resource, each Club will be asked:
1. To appoint one or more of its members a “South Shore Council Delegate” to participate and represent their Club at the monthly SSC meetings. The delegate (s) ideally should be either a current or past board member of their Club as well as be
conversant with their Club’s programs and goals. It is expected that an attending delegate will share their SSC experience at their club meetings.
2. Each delegate and Club President will receive a meeting notice by email each month in order to prepare, to confirm the delegate’s attendance, to provide us feedback.
3. Each delegate and Club President will receive meeting minutes by email which shall include outcomes and updates from the meeting.
4. The SSC will keep, maintain and update a library of Club Service Projects organized by Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus. These Club Service Projects will be accessible to all Clubs are represented in the SSC.
5. The SSC will provide to all its Clubs an event calendar combining all the events a member Club would like to publish. Important District events may be included.
6. The SSC will add such support programs to its resources as requested by its Clubs.
7. All member Clubs are expected to pay a membership fee of $2/member (as of July 1st) the minimum Club fee is $40. This fee helps to defray costs of events such as our annual President’s Night Dinner held the 3rd Wednesday in May for SSC member Clubs incoming Presidents and guests as well as helping to cover speaker dinners.

SERVICE ABOVE SELF - The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.